Additional JFK Assassination Videos to watch at home:
5/16 Finish Civil Rights Movement
5/12 Civil Rights Movement - Purple Notes
5/10 Jim Crow Segregation and beginnings of Civil Rights Movement
5/6 Wrap up Vietnam - Begin Unit 10 Vocabulary
5/4 Vietnam War - Day 2
5/2 Vietnam War - Day 1
4/28 Cuban Missile Crisis and JFK
4/26 1950's Culture Wrap Up - Assignment
4/22 Red Scare and 1950's Culture
4/20 The Fall of China and the Korean War
4/18 Chapter 26-1 Notes(Cold War Begins), The Presidents Video (Truman-Johnson)
4/14 Unit 9 Vocabulary - Click Here
4/8 WWII Wrap Up - Poster Project
4/6 WWII - The Pacific (Day 2) - Assignment - Was President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan the right thing to do or could it have been avoided? What would you have done if you were the president? Write 2-3 paragraphs supporting your answer.
4/4 WWII - The Pacific
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