
Secondary II - 6th Period

Secondary 2 - January 23rd

Go to the following links and following the assignment on your paper.
1. Graphing in Vertex Form
 --> Practice Here
2. Graphing in Standard Form
--> Practice Here

Secondary Math 3

11/4 -  Graphing logs & exponentials (extra resource & extra resource)
11/5 - Rewriting logs & exponentials (extra resource & extra resource)
11/6 - Basic Properties of Logs (Day 1) (extra resource & extra resource)
11/7 - Basic Properties of Logs (Day 2)
11/8 - Expanding/Condensing Properties of Logs (extra resource)

11/11 - Solving equations with logs (extra resources)
11/12 - SUB - Review logs
11/13 - SUB - Review logs
11/14 - SUB - Quiz & Movie
11/15 - REVIEW after Sub

11/18 - Log/Exponential Word Problems (Day 1) (extra resource)
11/19 - Log/Exponential Word Problems (Day 2)

11/20 - Compound interest Word Problems (extra resource and extra resource)
11/21 - Test Review
11/22 - TEST #5

11/25 - Mortgage Project (day 1)
11/26 - Mortgage Project (day 2)
11/27 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving
11/28 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving
11/29 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving

12/2 - SOHCAHTOA Practice - Click here for extra resource & click here
12/3 - Radians & Degrees & Unit Circle Day 1 - Extra Resource & Extra Resource
12/4 - Special Right Triangles & Unit Circle Day 2 - Extra Resource
12/5 - Unit Circle Day 3 - Extra Resource and Extra Resource
12/6 - Unit Circle Review & Quiz Extra Resource

12/9 - Inverses - Extra Resource
12/10 - Graphing Sin & Cos Day #1 - Extra Resource & Extra Resource
12/11 - Graphing Sin & Cos Day #2 -
12/12 - More graphing
12/13 - Graphing Secant and Cosecant - Extra Resource

12/16 - Law of Sines - Extra Resource
12/17 - Law of Cosines
12/18 - Areas of Triangles
12/19 - Review
12/20 - TEST #6 

1/2 - Begin Statistics Unit - Design a Study
1/3 - Normal Curve, Skewed Curves, Calculator Analysis


1/14 - Review for Final
1/15 - Review for Final

1/16 - SEC 3 FINAL
1/17 - End of Term - Half Day 


8/26 - Disclosure - Add, Subtract, Multiply Polynomials (EXTRA RESOURCE)
8/27 - Complex Numbers (EXTRA RESOURCE)
8/28 - Factoring Review (EXTRA RESOURCE)
8/29 - Introduction to Polynomials (EXTRA RESOURCE 1 & EXTRA RESOURCE 2 & EXTRA RESOURCE 3)
8/30 - Finish Introduction to Polynomials - Begin Different Forms of Polynomials

9/2 - No School - Labor Day
9/3 - Different Forms of Polynomials (EXTRA RESOURCE - download Power Point)
9/4 - Find Complex Zeros (EXTRA RESOURCE)
9/4 - Find Complex Zeros
9/6 - QUIZ! Review Finding Complex Zeros

9/9 - Polynomial Inequalities EXTRA RESOURCE & ( EXTRA RESOURCE)
9/10 - Polynomial Inequalities
9/11 - Review for Test
9/12 - Review for Test
9/13 - Test #1

9/16 - Factoring and Simplifying Rationals Extra Resource & Extra Resource
9/17 - Multiplying & Dividing Rationals Extra Resource
9/18 - Difference of Cubes (Extra Resource) and Adding & Subtracting Rationals (Extra Resource)
9/19 - Finish Adding & Subtracting Rationls
9/20 - Simplify Complex Rationals (extra Resource) and QUIZ!

9/23 - More Complex Rationals & Solving Rational Equations (Extra Resource & Extra Resource)
9/24 - More Solving Rational Equations
9/25 - Solving Square Root Equations (Extra Resource & Extra Resource)
9/26 - Test Review
9/27 - Test #2

9/30 - Graphing Radicals (Extra Resource)
10/1 - Analyze & Interpret Rational Functions
10/2 - Graph Rational Functions (Extra Resource and Extra Resource and Extra Resource)
10/3 - Graph Rational Functions again
10/4 - NO SCHOOL

10/7 - Family of Functions (Extra Resource)
10/8 - Piecewise Functions (Extra Resource and Extra Resource)
10/9 - Review
10/10 - Review
10/11 - Test #3

10/14 -Word Problems (Work and Distance-Rate-Time) (Extra Resources and Extra Resources)
10/15 - More Word Problems (Extra Resource)
10/16 - Solve Equations with U substitution and with grouping (Extra Resource and Extra Resource and Extra Resource)
10/17 - NO SCHOOL
10/18 - NO SCHOOL

10/21 - NO SCHOOL
10/22 - Review Solving Equations

10/23 - Solving Formulas (Extra Resource and Extra Resource)
10/24 - Inequality Word Problems (Extra Resource and Extra Resource)
10/25 - Review

10/28 - Review
10/29 - TEST #4 (moved from 10/25 - will count on 2nd term grade)
10/30 - Halloween Math Art
10/31 - Last Day of 1st Term (Half Day)



Secondary 2 - Term 4

5/24 - Test #7 (Circles/Trig)
5/23 - Review Circles and Trig
5/22 - Equations of Circles
5/21 - Arc Length and Sector Area - Click here
5/20 -Circle Vocabulary, Central Angles and Inscribed Angles - Click here and Click here and Click here

5/17 - Begin Circles
5/16 - Trig Review and Real-World Problems
5/15 - TESTING - CRT's Day 2
5/14 - TESTING - CRT's Day 1
5/13 - CRT Review

5/10 - Trig Review and Quiz.  Begin CRT Review
5/9 - Use Trigonometry to solve for a SIDE then an ANGLE of a right triangle - Click here and Click here
5/8 - 6 Trig Ratios - Click here and Click here
5/7 - Pythagorean Theorem - Click here
5/6 - Distance and Midpoint Formula - Click here and click here

5/3 - Test #6 (Geometry)
5/2 - Test Review
5/1 - Proving Triangles Similary- Click here
4/30 - Similar Triangles- Click here
4/29 - More Quadrilaterals

4/26 - Begin Quadrilaterals - Click here and Click here
4/25 - Medians and Midsegments - Click here and Click here for extra resources
4/24 - Angles and Triangles - Click here for extra resources
4/23 - Parallel Lines and Transversals - Click here for Extra Resources

4/22 -  Review Angles - Click here for Extra Resources

4/19 - Geometry Vocabulary and Angle Relationships Click for Extra Resource
4/18 - Test #5 (Probability) 
4/17 - Test Review 
4/16 - Conditionals and More Venn Diagrams- Click for Extra Resource
4/15 - Permutations and Combinations - Click for Extra Resource

4/12 - Review Day
4/11 -  Multiplication Rule
4/10 -Venn Diagrams and 2-Way Frequency Tables (finish page 2 & 3) - Click for Extra Resource
4/9 - Addition Rule and Multiplication Rule - Click for Extra Resource
4/8 - Simple Probability - Purple Worksheet

From 1st Term
Know Experimental v. Theoretical Probability - Click for Extra Resource
Know how to find and list a Sample Space - Click for Extra Resource


U.S. History - Term 4

4/30 Vocabulary for Unit 7 - Click here to begin the assignment (due Thursday, May 2)

4/26 - WWII Test

4/24 - Wrap Up WWII and Review
4/22 - The Pacific & Atom Bomb

4/18 - D-Day
4/16 - The Holocaust

4/12 -Finish WWII introduction
4/10 - Why did we fight WWII?
4/8 - Unit 6 Vocabulary (WWII) - Click here to begin the assignment


Math 1050

Extra Final Exams to Practice - Worth 10 points each extra credit.
2009 Final (from SLCC)
Practice Final (University of Utah) - Click here for the solutions


5/28 - Review for Final

5/23 - Review for Final
5/21 - Practice Final

5/17 - ARTS FEST (Come in for extra help if needed on 9.1-9.3)
5/15 - 9.2 & 9.3
5/13 - 9.1

5/9 - Test #4

5/3 - 8.5
5/1 - 8.3 & 8.4
4/29 - 8.2

4/25 - 7.4
4/23 - 7.3

4/19 - 2.4 & 7.2
4/17 - Mortgage Project
4/15 - TEST #3

4/11 - Review Day
4/9 - 6.8


3/28 - 6.7
3/26 - 6.6

3/22 - 6.5
3/20 - 6.3 & 6.4
3/18 - 6.1 & 6.2

3/14 - TEST #2
3/12 - Review Day

3/8 - 5.6
3/6 - R.6 & 5.5
3/4 - 5.4

2/27 - 5.3
2/25 - 5.2

2/21 - 5.1
2/19 - 4.5

2/14 - 4.3 & 4.4
2/12 - Cost Lab Project (Project #1)

2/8 - TEST #1
2/6 - Test Review
2/4 - 3.5 & 3.6

1/31 - 3.3 & 3.4
1/29 - 3.1 & 3.2

1/25 -  2.2
1/23 - 1.4, MathXL setup, Disclosures

US History - Term 3

3/21 -  Causes of the Great Depression (Day 2)
3/19 - Causes of the Great Depression (Day 1)

3/15 -  CCC & Dust Bowl Movie
3/13 -  Al Capone Movie
3/11 -  1920's Book Assignment

3/7 - Unit 5 Vocabulary & President's Movies
3/5 - Unit 4 - WWI Test

2/28 - Jeopardy - WWI Review
2/26 - WWI Maps and Ch. 11 Section 4

2/22 - Finish WWI Assignment
2/20 - WWI Assignment 1 - Click here for a copy of the assignment

2/15 - WWI Simulation - Day 2
2/13 - WWI Simulation - Day 1
2/11 - Continue working on Unit 4 Vocab

2/7 - Unit 3 TEST - Begin Unit 4 Vocabulary (click here for copy of vocabulary)
2/5 - Finish Chapter 10 Book Assignment

2/1 - Chapter 10 Book Assignment and Imperialism Vocab Quiz
1/30 - Finish Imperialism Book & Assignment
1/28 - Imperialism Book

1/24 - Finish Reform Book & Take Quiz
1/22 - Reform Book

Secondary II Resources

Secondary Math II - Resources and Course Outline
(Read from BOTTOM to Top)

5/24 - Test #7 (Circles/Trig)
5/23 - Review Circles and Trig
5/22 - Equations of Circles
5/21 - Arc Length and Sector Area - Click here
5/20 -Circle Vocabulary, Central Angles and Inscribed Angles - Click here and Click here and Click here

5/17 - Begin Circles
5/16 - Trig Review and Real-World Problems
5/15 - TESTING - CRT's Day 2
5/14 - TESTING - CRT's Day 1
5/13 - CRT Review

5/10 - Trig Review and Quiz.  Begin CRT Review
5/9 - Use Trigonometry to solve for a SIDE then an ANGLE of a right triangle - Click here and Click here
5/8 - 6 Trig Ratios - Click here and Click here
5/7 - Pythagorean Theorem - Click here
5/6 - Distance and Midpoint Formula - Click here and click here

5/3 - Test #6 (Geometry)
5/2 - Test Review
5/1 - Proving Triangles Similary- Click here
4/30 - Similar Triangles- Click here
4/29 - More Quadrilaterals

4/26 - Begin Quadrilaterals - Click here and Click here
4/25 - Medians and Midsegments - Click here and Click here for extra resources
4/24 - Angles and Triangles - Click here for extra resources
4/23 - Parallel Lines and Transversals - Click here for Extra Resources

4/22 -  Review Angles - Click here for Extra Resources

4/19 - Geometry Vocabulary and Angle Relationships Click for Extra Resource
4/18 - Test #5 (Probability) 
4/17 - Test Review
4/16 - Conditionals and More Venn Diagrams- Click for Extra Resource
4/15 - Permutations and Combinations - Click for Extra Resource

4/12 - Review Day
4/11 -  Multiplication Rule
4/10 -Venn Diagrams and 2-Way Frequency Tables (finish page 2 & 3) - Click for Extra Resource
4/9 - Addition Rule and Multiplication Rule - Click for Extra Resource
4/8 - Simple Probability - Purple Worksheet

From 1st Term
Know Experimental v. Theoretical Probability - Click for Extra Resource
Know how to find and list a Sample Space - Click for Extra Resource

3/28 - End of 3rd Term
3/27 - Probability Activity
3/26 - Term 1 Final Test
3/25 - Review for Final

3/22 - Review for Final
3/21 - Review for Finals
3/20 - Linear, Quadratics, and Exponentials Word Problems Again
3/19 - Linear, Quadratics, and Exponentials Word Problems
3/18 - Compare linears, quadratics, and exponentials (click here)

3/15 - Concept Review - Review of everything for the week
3/14 - More Transformations
3/13 - Transformations of Functions (click here)
3/12 - Inverse Functions (click here)
3/11 - Function Operations (click here AND click here)

3/8 - TEST #3

3/7 - Review
3/6 - Writing Quadratics given Zeros
3/5 - Completing the Square (click here)
3/4 - More Graphing Quadratics Practice

3/1 - No School - Parent Teacher Conference Day Off
2/28 - Graphing Quadratics in Standard Form (click here)
2/27 - Graphing Quadratics in Vertex Form (click here)
2/26 - Average Rate of Change (click here)
2/25 - Slope Formula & Graphing Lines (click here and click here)

2/22 - More Analyzing Graphs (Inc, Dec, Max, Min help click here)
2/21 - Domain, Range, and Analyzing Graphs (Domain & Range help click here)
2/20 - Test #2
2/19 - Test Review
2/18 - President's Day - No School

2/15 - Quadratic Formula Day 2
2/14 - Solve quadratics using the quadratic formula (click here)
2/13 - Solve quadratics with square roots (click here)
2/12 - Solve quadratics by factoring (click here)
2/11 - Factoring Trinomials with a not = 1 (click here)

2/8 - Review Factoring Trinomials & take a Quiz
2/7 - Factoring Trinomial (Day 1) (click here)
2/6 - Common Factors (click here) and Factoring by Grouping (click here)
2/5 - Test #1
2/4 - Test Review

2/1 - Complex Numbers Day 2
1/31 - Complex Numbers Day 1 (click here for complex numbers resource - i)
1/30 - Polynomials (click here for multiplying and click here for adding/subtracting)
1/29 - Dividing Square Roots
1/28 - Multiplying & Adding Square Roots (Click for extra resource)

1/25 - Simplifying Radicals - (click for extra resource)
1/24 - Review Exponents and Quiz #1
1/23 - Rational Exponents
1/22 - Disclosure, Exponent Rules (Click for extra resource on exponents)