
U.S. History - 2nd Term

1/12 - Half Day - Finish Semester Final
1/10 - Jeopardy Review for Semester Final & Begin Semester Final

1/6 - Chapter 10
1/4 - Chapter 9 Progressive Movement Reforms Chart

12/20 - "It's A Wonderful Life"

12/16 - Test Corrections and Finish Vocabulary
12/14 - Unit 2 TEST!!! - Begin Unit 3 Vocabulary
12/12 - Finish Chapter 7 & Assignment, Do Chapter 8

12/8 - Begin Chapter 7 Notes
12/6 - Wrap up Chapter 5 (with Quiz) & Wrap up Chapter 6 (with Quiz)

12/2 - Ellis Island Movie and Notes
11/29 - Chapter 6 Reading Guide
11/28 - Chapter 5 Notes

Thanksgiving Break
11/21 - Presidents Videos

11/17 -Presidents Videos
11/15 - TEST - 8th Grade Review Unit & Unit 2 Vocabulary

11/11 - Reconstruction
11/9 - Book Reading Guide - Chapter 4, Sections 2 & 3
11/7 - North/South Advantages & Disadvantages (Day 2) & Civil War Quiz #1

11/3 - North/South Advantages & Disadvantages (Day 1)
11/1 - Why did the United States fight a Civil War? Worksheet

SLCC Math 1010 - 2nd Term

Fall 2010 & Fall 2009 (These 2 will be done in class.)
* Fall 2008 (answers separate)
* Fall 2007
* Fall 2006
* Fall 2005
Fall 2004 (given in class)

1/11 - Final Exam!!! - 25% of your grade. Must earn 60% or higher to receive credit. 2 hours allowed. Plan to stay or come in during lunch.
1/9 -
Last day to review for final

1/5 -
In class Practice Final #2 and Take Home Practice Final #3
1/3 -
(1) Review for Half Test #6 (Review due Thursday in class), (2) Final Review #1 (due Thursday in class), (3) Half Test #6 Opens on MathXL (due Thursday by midnight)

12/21-1/1 -
12/19 -
9.6 and 10.1

12/15 -
12/13 -
9.2 and 9.3

12/9 - Test #5
12/7 -
Test Review - All Homework Due by Midnight!
12/5 -
Regression Project

12/1 -
8.7 and 8.8
11/29 -

11/24 -
11/22 -
8.3 and 8.4

11/18 -
8.1 and 8.2
- TEST #4
11/14 - Test Review - ALL HOMEWORK DUE BY MIDNIGHT!!

11/10 - 7.7 and 7.8
11/8 - 7.5 and 7.6

11/4 - 7.4
11/2 - 7.2 and 7.3
10/31 - 1.6 and 7.1

Basic Math/Algebra B - 2nd Term

1/12 - Half Day - 2nd Term Writing Assignment
1/10 - Final Review Unit 8
1/9 - Final Review Unit 7

1/6 - Final Review Unit 6
1/5 - Final Review Unit 5
1/4 - Final Review Units 3 & 4
1/3 - Final Review Units 1 & 2
1/2 - Day Off - New Year's

12/20 - Koch Snowflake
12/19 - Koch Snowflake

12/16 - Unit 8 TEST
12/15 - Unit 8 Review #2
12/14 - Unit 8 Review #1
12/13 - Graphing Inequalities #2
12/12 - Graphing Inequalities #1

12/9 - 6.5 #18-40
12/8 - 6.4 #18-22, 29-46
12/7 - Solving Inequalities #1 Worksheet
12/6 - 6.3 #20-41, 49, 50
12/5 - 6.1 #23-28, 38-55 AND 6.2 #23-26, 35-46

12/2 - Unit 7 TEST
12/1 - Jeopardy Review and Test Review #2
11/30 - Test Review
11/29 - Real World Linear Problems
11/28 - Parallels and Perpendiculars Worksheet

11/22 - Writing Equations #5
11/21 - Writing Equations #4

11/18 - Writing Equations #3
11/17 - Writing Equations #2
11/16 - Writing Equations #1
11/15 - Unit 6 Test
11/14 - Test Review

11/11 - Linear Review #3
11/10 - 4.5 #13-34 AND p. 786 #27-32
11/9 - Graphing a Line Practice (on computer) and Quiz #3
11/8 - White Boards, then Linear Review #2
11/7 - Linear Review #1

11/4 - 4.4 Worksheet & Quiz #1
11/3 - 4.7 Worksheet and Book Work
11/2 - Slope Worksheet
11/1 - 4.2 Worksheet and Book Work
10/31 - Halloween Pumpkin Coordinates, "Quatro"