
Secondary II - Term 2

1/17 - Recap of the semester (half day) - students released at noon

1/11 - Circles Test
1/10 - Review All Circles
1/9 - Circles - More Equations
1/8 - CRT's Day 2
1/7 - CRT's Day 1

1/4 - Circles - Equations (click)
1/3 - Circles - Arc Length (click) and Sector Area (click)
1/2 - Circles - Central Angles (click) and Inscribed Angles (Click)

12/20 - Holiday Origami Project (Bring a Christmas Card)
12/19 -  Test #7/8 (Trig and Volume)
12/18 - Review Trig & Volume
12/17 - More Volume

12/14 - Volume - click here for extra resource
12/13 - Areas - click here for extra resource
12/12 - Trig Review
12/11 - Trig Word Problems
12/10 - Inverse Trig Functions to solve for the missing angle - Click here for extra resource

12/7 - Solve for a missing side of a triangle, using trig - Click here for extra resource
12/6 - Practice everything from Wednesday
12/5 - Distance and Midpoint Formula, Pythagorean Theorem, Trigonometry Ratios
Extra Resources (Click each name): Distance Formula, Midpoint Formula, Pythagorean Theorem, Trig Ratios
12/4 - TEST #6 (Geometry)
12/3 - Review for Test #6

11/30 - Similar Triangles (proving similarity)
11/29 - Similar Triangles (given similar)
11/28 - Finish Quadrilaterals
11/27 - Quadrilaterals - Click here and here for extra resources
11/26 - Medians and Midsegments - Click here and here for extra resources

11/21-11/23 Thanksgiving Break!
11/20 - Angles and Triangles - Click here for extra resources
11/19 - Parallel Lines and Transversals - Click here for Extra Resources

11/16 -  Review Angles - Click here for Extra Resources
11/15 -  Geometry Vocabulary and Angle Relationships Click for Extra Resource
11/14 - Test #5 (Probability)
11/13 - Review Day Again
11/12 - Review #2 (Yellow)

11/9 - Review #1 (Green)
11/8 - Permutations and Combinations - Click for Extra Resource
11/7 -  Multiplication Rule
11/6 - Addition Rule and Multiplication Rule - Click for Extra Resource
11/5 -Venn Diagrams and 2-Way Frequency Tables (finish page 2 & 3) - Click for Extra Resource

From 1st Term
Know Experimental v. Theoretical Probability - Click for Extra Resource
Know how to find and list a Sample Space - Click for Extra Resource

US History - Term 2

1/16 - 
1/14 - 

1/10 - Work on Vocabulary
1/8 - Unit 2 Test & Unit 3 Vocabulary (Click here for vocabulary)

1/4 - Chapter 8 - Life at the Turn of the Century
1/2 - Chapter 8 - Life at the Turn of the Century

12/19 - Urbanization
12/17 - Book Assignment - Things we need to know Ch. 6 & Ch. 7

12/13 - Immigration Day 2
12/11 - Immigration Day 1

12/7 - Chapter 6 Notes - Industrial Revolution (Day 2) & Quiz
12/5 - Chapter 6 Notes - Industrial Revolution (Day 1)
12/3 - Chapter 5 Notes - Western Frontier (Day 2) & Quiz

11/29 - Chapter 5 Notes - Western Frontier (Day 1)
11/27 - Begin Unit 2 - Click here for Unit 2 Vocabulary

11/22 - Thanksgiving Break!
11/20 - Review & Test

11/16 - Civil War Movie
11/14 - End the Civil War & Reconstruction
11/12 - Advantages & Disadvantages of the North and the South

11/8 - Abraham Lincoln
11/6 - Reasons for the Civil War Assignment


MATH 1010 - Fall 2012

Extra Finals for Extra Practice (due the day of the final - extra 10 points each)
* Fall 2008 (answers separate)
* Fall 2007
* Fall 2006
* Fall 2005

1/17 - Recap - Last Day of Semester
1/15 - Final Exam !!!

1/11 - Review for Final
1/9 - Review for Final
1/7 - Practice Final

1/3 - 10.1

12/20 - Chapter 9 Quiz (40 points, goes on test grade)
12/18 - 9.3 & 9.5

12/14 - 9.2 & 9.6
12/12 - Project #2 & Writing Assignment
12/10 - Test #5

12/6 -  Review
12/4 - 8.8

11/30 -  8.6 & 8.7
11/28 -  8.3 & 8.4
11/26 -  8.1 & 8.2

11/21-11/23 - Thanksgiving Break
11/19 - Test #4

11/15 - Test Review
11/13 - 7.7 & 7.8

11/9 - 7.5 & 7.6
11/7 - 7.3 & 7.4
11/5 - 7.1 & 7.2

Begin 2nd Term

10/31 - Bonus Test & 1.6
10/29 - TEST #3

10/25 - Test Review
10/23 - 6.6 & 6.8

10/16 - 6.4 & 6.5

10/12 -  6.3
10/10 - 6.2
10/8 - 6.1

10/3 - Test #2
10/1 - REVIEW for Test #2

9/27 - 5.7 & 5.8
9/25 - 5.5 & 5.6

9/21 - 5.3 & 5.4
9/19 - 4.3 & 4.4
9/ 17 - 4.1 & 4.2

9/13 - Population Modeling Project  -  Sample E-Portfolio
9/11 - Test #1

9/7 - 3.4 & Test Review
9/5 - 3.2 & 3.3

8/31 - 2.4 & 2.5 (due next Thurs)
8/29 - 2.2 & 2.3 (due next Tues)
8/27 - 1.3 & 2.1 (due Thurs)
** Turn in Disclosures (both the Binggeli Disclosure and the SLCC Blue Form) **

US History - Term 1

10/17 - Westward Expansion/Manifest Destiny (day 2)
10/15 -  Westward Expansion/Manifest Destiny (day 1)

10/11 - President's Movie - Washington, Adams, & Jefferson
10/9 -  Articles of Confederation to Constitution (Day 2)

10/4 -  Articles of Confederation to Constitution (Day 1)
10/2 -  Fifer of Boxborough, Revolutionary Type of War

9/28 - Why did we start a Revolution?  What shaped the Constitution? (Day 2)
9/26 - Why did we start a Revolution?  What shaped the Constitution?
9/24 - Rewrite the Declaration of Independence

9/20 - Declaration of Independence
9/18 - Finish 13 Colonies - QUIZ!

9/14 - 13 Colonies (New England, Middle, and Southern) - Begin Circle Books
9/12 - "The Story of Us" Movie
9/10 - The First Settlements - Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth

9/6 -Columbus Good or Bad? Assignment (also discussed Presidential Election)
9/4 - Vocabulary Unit 1 - Colonization through Great Compromise (due Thursday)
8/28 - Disclosure (due 8/30), Introductions, Who & What

Secondary II - Term 1

10/12 -
10/11 - Unit 3 Test
10/10 - Review
10/9 - Writing Quadratic Equations & Completing the Square (extra resource AND extra resource)
10/8- Graphing Quadratics - Day3 (extra resource - finding vertex and intercepts in standard form AND extra resource - finding the vertex and max/min in vertex form)

10/5 -  NO SCHOOL
10/4 -  Graphing Quadratics - Day2
10/3 - Graphing Quadratics - Day 1 (extra resource)
10/2 - Graphing Linear Equations (extra resource here and here)
10/1 - Rate of Change (extra resource)

9/28 - Domain & Range, etc.
9/27 - Domain & Range, etc. (extra resource)
9/26 - Engineering Day!  Interval Notation
9/25 - Unit 2 Test
9/24 - Review

9/21 - Solve Quadratics with Quadratic Formula (extra resource)
9/20 - Solve Quadratics with Square Roots (extra resource)
9/19 - Solve Quadratics by Factoring
9/18 - Factoring Review
9/17 -  Factor Trinomials a does not equal 1 (extra resource)

9/13 - Factor Trinomials a=1(extra resource)
9/12 - Common Factors and Factor by grouping (extra resource)
9/11 - UNIT 1 TEST!
9/11 - Test Review
9/10 - Polynomials

9/7 - Complex Numbers - i (multiplying and dividing) (Extra Resource)
9/6 - Complex Numbers - i (adding, subtracting, and simplifying)
9/5 - Rationalizing Square Roots & Review (buff) (Extra Resource)
9/4 - More Adding/Subtracting/Multiplying Square Roots
9/3 - Labor Day!

8/31 -Adding/Subtracting/Multiplying Square Roots (Pink and White)
8/30 -Simplifying Square Roots (Pink) (Extra Resource)
8/29 - Finish Rational Exponents - Assignment: Rational Exponents (Orange)
8/28 - Rational Exponents  - Assignments: Exponent Practice #2
8/27 - Exponents - Assignment: Exponents Practice #2 (Extra Resource)


Math 1050 - 4th Term

Extra Credit Practice Finals (10 points each - Due May 24th)
*You must do all parts of the final to get the 10 points extra credit
*Extra Credit Points go towards your assignment scores only (not tests)

2007 Final  and Answers
2006 Final Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
2005 Final  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
2004 Final

5/24 - FINAL EXAM!!
5/22 - Final Review Day 3

5/18 - Arts Fest! - Final Review Day 2 (Optional)
5/16 - Final Review Day 1
5/14 - 9.3

5/10 - 9.2
5/8 - 9.1

5/4 - Test #4
5/2 - Review for Test #4 (HOMEWORK AND QUIZZES DUE)
4/30 - 8.5

4/26 - 8.3 & 8.4
4/24 - 8.2 Conics Quiz Answers

4/20 - Review and Catchup
4/18 - 7.4
4/16 - 7.3

4/12 - 2.4 & 7.2
4/10 - Project - Mortgage Lab

4/6 - Test #3
4/4 - Review Day, All Homework and Quizzes due by Midnight
4/2 - Finish 6.7, Do 6.8

U.S. History - 4th Term


5/11 Civil Rights Movement
5/9 Finish Rosa Parks Movie
5/7 Finish Cold War Test, Cold War Vocabulary, Begin Rosa Parks Movie

5/3 Cold War Test
5/1 1960's Culture

4/27 Cuban Missile Crisis & Vietnam
4/25 18-2 & 18-3 Red Scare and Korean War
4/23 1950's Culture

4/19  1950's Culture & Finsih Chapter 18-1 Reading Guide
4/17 Finish the President's Videos (Kennedy through Nixon) & Begin Chapter 18-1 Reading Guide (Causes of the Cold War)

4/13 - Cold War Vocabulary, President's Videos (Truman thru Kennedy)
4/11 - WWII Test & Cold War Vocabulary
4/9 - WWII Homefront

4/5 - WWII - The Atomic Bomb
4/3 - WWII - The Pacific

Algebra B - 4th Term

5/11 - 
5/10 - Systems of Equations #3
5/9 - CRT's DAY 3
5/8 - CRT's DAY 2
5/7 - CRT's DAY 1

5/4 UTIPS - 20 Questions (Brown)
5/3 UTIPS Data
5/2 CDAS 4-1 & 4-2
5/1 UTIPS Systems Test & Systems/Cross-Multiplying Review
4/30 CDAS 3-3, 3-4, & 3-5

4/27 CDAS 3-1 & 3-2
4/26 UTIPS Linear Test & Linear Review
4/25 CDAS 2-1 & 2-2 & 2-3
4/24 UTIPS Rationals Test & Rationals Review
4/23  CDAS 1-1 & 1-2

4/20 Systems Review #2 & Quiz
4/19 Systems Review #1
4/18 Graphing Review #2 & Quiz
4/17 Graphing Review #1
4/16 Solving Equations Review

4/13 Unit 14 Test
4/12 Unit 14 Test Review
4/11 Scatter Plots
4/10 Area and Circumference of Circles
4/9 Area and Perimeter of Rectangles and Triangles

4/6 Midpoint Formula
4/5 Distance Formula
4/4 Factoring Bonus Quiz
4/3 Hard Factoring
4/2 Easy Factoring


U.S. History - 3rd Term

3/22 - Holocaust - Day 2
3/20 - Holocaust - Day 1

3/16 - Major European Battles Videos
3/14 - Finish Introduction to WWII Notes
3/12 - Introduction to WWII Notes

3/8 - The Bad Guys of WWII
3/6 - Unit 6 Vocabulary & WWII Introduction

3/1 - 20's & 30's Test
2/28 - Hoover v. FDR Comparison

2/24 - Chapter 14, Section 1 Reading Guide
2/22 - Roaring 20's Quiz & Begin Great Depression Discussion
2/20 - President's Day - No School!

2/17 - Roaring 20's Day 3
2/15 - Roaring 20's Day 2
2/13 - Chapter 12 - Roaring 20's Assignment

2/9 -Chapter 12-Section 1 Reading Guide
2/7 - Unit 5 Vocabulary, Presidents - 10 Facts - Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt

2/3 - Unit 4 Test
2/1 - Wrap Up WWI Notes Assignment
1/30 - Wrap Up WWI Notes Assignment

1/26 - Continue WWI notes assignment (below)
1/24 - Begin WWI Discussion - Assignment - What I need to Know about WWI?

1/20 - Unit 4 Vocabulary and Introduction lesson
1/18 - Finish Semester Final

Basic Math/Algebra B - 3rd Term

3/22 - LAST DAY OF 3rd TERM!
3/21 -
3/20 - Test - Unit 13
3/19 -

3/16 - Factoring #4 and QUIZ
3/15 - Factoring #3 Continued
3/14 - Factoring #3 Worksheet and Quiz
3/13 - Factoring #1 Worksheet
3/12 - 10.5 #15-35, 62-69

3/9 - Common Factors Worksheet
3/8 - 10.4 #14-36 evens
3/7 - Unit 12 Test
3/6 - Unit 12 Test Review (All)
3/5 - Whiteboard Review, Quiz, Unit 12 Test Review (Odds Only)

3/2 - No School because of Parent Teacher Conferences
3/1 - Computer Review
2/29 - 10.3 #23-46
2/28 - 10.2 #9-55, 65-75 odds
2/27 - 10.1 #33-50, 58-63, 65-70

2/24 - Unit 11 Test
2/23 - Test Review
2/22 - Rationalizing Fractions with Square Roots
2/21 - Pythagorean Theorem
2/20 - President's Day - No School!

2/17 - Review and Quiz
2/16 - Operations with Square Roots
2/15 - Simplifying Square Roots
2/14 - Rationals/Irrationals Worksheet
2/13 -Unit 10 Test

2/10 - Test Review & Quiz #2
2/9 - Exponents Review #2 and Scientific Notation #2
2/8 - Scientific Notation Worksheet
2/7 - Exponents Review #1
2/6 - 8.4 #19-57 odds

2/3 - 8.2 #21-61 odds & 78-83 all
2/2 - 8.1 #13-59 (odds)
2/1 - Unit 9 TEST
1/31 - Systems Test Review #2
1/30 - Systems Test Review #1

1/27 - White Board Review and QUIZ (no homework)
1/26 - Systems of Inequalities #2
1/25 - Systems of Inequalities #1
1/24 - Solving Word Problems Systems - Day 2
1/23 - Solving Word Problems Systems - Day 1

1/20 - Solving Systems Review and QUIZ
1/19 - Solving Systems by Elimination Worksheet
1/18 - Solving Systems by Substitution Worksheet
1/17 - Graphing Systems Worksheet

SLCC Math 1050 - 3rd Term

Homework Problems (BOOK) for the entire semester

3rd TERM - What counts on your grade? 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5
Test #3 will not occur until the first part of 4th term. 6.6 & 6.7 will not be graded until 4th term.

3/23 - No School - End of Term (beginning of Spring Break)
3/21 - 6.7
3/19 - 6.6 * BONUS TEST *

3/15 - 6.5
3/13 - 6.4

3/9 - 6.2 & 6.3
3/7 - 6.1
3/5 - Test #2

3/1 - N0 School due to Parent Teacher Conferences
2/29 - Test Review Day - ALL Homework and Quizzes Due
2/27 - 5.6

2/23 - R.6 & 5.5
2/21 - 5.4
2/20 - NO SCHOOL! President's Day

2/16 - 5.3
2/14 - 5.2

2/10 - 5.1
2/8 - 4.5
2/6 - 4.3 & 4.4

2/2 - TEST #1
1/31 - Test #1 REVIEW (all Homework Due)

1/27 - 3.5 & 3.6
1/25 - 3.3 & 3.4
1/23 - 3.1 & 3.2

1/19 - 2.2 (Turn in disclosures)
1/17 - 1.4 (Disclosures)