ALL Math Class Periods
Find an article in a reputable newspaper or magazine that has something to do with math, statistics, numbers, etc. Do the following assignment and earn up to 15 points extra credit for your 2nd term assignment score.
1) Find an article related to math, statistics, numbers, etc.
2) Write 2-3 paragraphs explaining A) what the article is about and B) why it is significant to math.
3) E-mail both the article (or a link to it) and your 2-3 paragraphs to Mrs. Binggeli by 3:00 p.m., Friday, January 14th.
Where can you find an article?
. . . or another reputable and well-known publication.
E-mail to Mrs. Binggeli -
DEADLINE - 3:00 p.m., Friday, January 14th.
Like it? You can create your own at It's free and fun!
U. S. History - 2nd Term
1/14 Martin Luther King Day Discussion
1/12 World War 1 Notes
1/10 Imperialism Map and WWI Map
1/6/2011 Imperialism Continued
1/4/2011 Imperialism Notes
12/17 Muckrakers Webquest and Postage Stamp
12/15 Begin Unit 5 - Vocabulary- Click here to get it!
12/13 Technological, Social, and Political Life at the turn of the century
12/9 Urbanization Notes
12/7 "My Immigration Story" presentations.
12/3 Project Day - Finish "My Immigration Story" Project
12/1 Wrap up Immigration Discussion and Talk about "My Immigration Story" Project
11/29 Immigrant Discussion, Data, and Ellis Island
11/24-11/26 Happy Thanksgiving! No School!
11/22 Immigrant Notes
11/18 Notes on the Great Plains Indians
11/16 Begin Unit 4 - Vocabulary Click Here
11/12 Civil War Test
11/10 Gettysburg and Reconstruction
11/8 Finish Circle Books and Do Battles Activity
11/4 Civil War Circle Books
11/2 Civil War Day 1 - Notes and Movie clips
1/12 World War 1 Notes
1/10 Imperialism Map and WWI Map
1/6/2011 Imperialism Continued
1/4/2011 Imperialism Notes
12/17 Muckrakers Webquest and Postage Stamp
12/15 Begin Unit 5 - Vocabulary- Click here to get it!
12/13 Technological, Social, and Political Life at the turn of the century
12/9 Urbanization Notes
12/7 "My Immigration Story" presentations.
12/3 Project Day - Finish "My Immigration Story" Project
12/1 Wrap up Immigration Discussion and Talk about "My Immigration Story" Project
11/29 Immigrant Discussion, Data, and Ellis Island
11/24-11/26 Happy Thanksgiving! No School!
11/22 Immigrant Notes
11/18 Notes on the Great Plains Indians
11/16 Begin Unit 4 - Vocabulary Click Here
11/12 Civil War Test
11/10 Gettysburg and Reconstruction
11/8 Finish Circle Books and Do Battles Activity
11/4 Civil War Circle Books
11/2 Civil War Day 1 - Notes and Movie clips
Algebra 2 - 2nd Term
1/13 7.6 #17-53 odd
1/11 7.5 #15-39 odds AND p. 949 #13-27 odds
1/7 7.1 #53-61 AND 7.2 #23-75 odds
1/5 Exponents Worksheet, 7.1 #13-28 all, 29-51 odds,
1/3 Composition of functions worksheet
12/22-1/2 WINTER BREAK! Happy Holidays!
12/16 Final Review Day 2 - With answers
12/14 Final Review Day 1
12/10 Unit 5 TEST
12/8 TEST Review - Click here for answers.
12/6 Writing Quadratics Worksheet, p. 314-316 #1-3, 21-23, 27-35, AND QUIZ
12/2 Graphing Review (in class) - Min./Max. applications Worksheet (Homework)
11/30 5.7 #14-40
11/25 Happy Thanksgiving! No School!
11/23 Writing Quadratic Equations Worksheet
11/19 5.5 #73-84 and Review Worksheet
11/17 TEST - Unit 4!
11/15 Test Review and Study Guide Answers (Sorry I wasn't able to get it up sooner. Write the time that you looked at this on the top of your paper for 5 points extra credit. Remember I will not be in class before the test to answer questions, so check here for help.)
11/11 Quadratic Functions Packet p. 1-2 and Graph #11-20
11/9 What Method to Use Worksheet AND Quadratics Review #1 CLICK HERE FOR ANSWERS TO THIS WORKSHEET. CHECK YOUR WORK!
11/5 5.6 #23-41 odds, 47-55 odds
11/3 5.4 #57-71 odds AND 5.5 #33-69 odds
11/1 5.3 #19-59 odds AND 5.4 #17-27, 37-55 odds
1/11 7.5 #15-39 odds AND p. 949 #13-27 odds
1/7 7.1 #53-61 AND 7.2 #23-75 odds
1/5 Exponents Worksheet, 7.1 #13-28 all, 29-51 odds,
1/3 Composition of functions worksheet
12/22-1/2 WINTER BREAK! Happy Holidays!
12/16 Final Review Day 2 - With answers
12/14 Final Review Day 1
12/10 Unit 5 TEST
12/8 TEST Review - Click here for answers.
12/6 Writing Quadratics Worksheet, p. 314-316 #1-3, 21-23, 27-35, AND QUIZ
12/2 Graphing Review (in class) - Min./Max. applications Worksheet (Homework)
11/30 5.7 #14-40
11/25 Happy Thanksgiving! No School!
11/23 Writing Quadratic Equations Worksheet
11/19 5.5 #73-84 and Review Worksheet
11/17 TEST - Unit 4!
11/15 Test Review and Study Guide Answers (Sorry I wasn't able to get it up sooner. Write the time that you looked at this on the top of your paper for 5 points extra credit. Remember I will not be in class before the test to answer questions, so check here for help.)
11/11 Quadratic Functions Packet p. 1-2 and Graph #11-20
11/9 What Method to Use Worksheet AND Quadratics Review #1 CLICK HERE FOR ANSWERS TO THIS WORKSHEET. CHECK YOUR WORK!
11/5 5.6 #23-41 odds, 47-55 odds
11/3 5.4 #57-71 odds AND 5.5 #33-69 odds
11/1 5.3 #19-59 odds AND 5.4 #17-27, 37-55 odds
Basic Math/Algebra B - 2nd term
1/14 Systems Review #3
1/13 Systems of Inequalities
1/12 Systems Review #2
1/11 Systems Word Problems and QUIZ #2
1/10 Systems Review #1
1/7 Computer Review and QUIZ
1/6 Systems Worksheet (substitution or elimination)
1/5 Elimination Worksheet #2
1/4 Substitution Worksheet #1
1/3/2011 7.1 and graphing systems worksheet
12/21-1/2 Winter Break!
12/19-12/20 Tessellation Project
12/17 Semester FINAL EXAM!!
12/16 Final Review #7-#8
12/15 Final Review #5-#6 and QUIZ
12/14 Final Review #4 with Order of Operations Practice
12/13 Final Review #2-#3 and QUIZ
12/10 Final Review #1
12/9 UNIT 8 TEST!! (Notes due)
12/8 Unit 8 Test Review - Here are the answers to the Review!!
12/7 Graphing Inequalities and Compound Inequalities
12/6 Solving Inequalities #3 AND 6.8 #14-25, 36-47
12/3 6.4 #29-445 odds AND 6.5 #21-39 odds
12/2 Graphing/Writing Equations Review #5 AND Solving Inequalities Review Worksheet #2
12/1 Solving Inequalities Review Worksheet
11/30 6.3 #14-41
11/29 6.1 #23-27, 35-55 odds AND 6.2 #35-46, 74-77 All
11/24-11/26 Thanksgiving Break!
11/23 Unit 7 Test! (notes due)
11/22 Unit 7 Test Review (Sorry I was not able to get the answers on the website.)
11/19 Parallel/Perpendicular Worksheet and Book p.313 #2-36 evens, Quiz #2
11/18 Parallel/Perpendicular Practice (3rd period Quiz)
11/17 5.4 #15-44
11/16 Writing Equations #3
11/15 Writing Equations #2
11/12 Writing equations #1
11/11 Unit 6 TEST! (notes due)
11/10 Test Review Worksheet
11/9 4.8 #16-18, 25-33, 50-53, 68-76
11/8 4.7 #11-25, 26-34 (graphs) and Review worksheet on back
11/5 Slope Review #1 and QUIZ - Unit 6 #1 (and finish October Sky)
11/4 4.5 #13-36
11/3 4.3 #24-32 AND 4.4 #18-35, 45, 47
11/2 4.2 #17-47 odds (on worksheet with Practice 8-6)
11/1 Coordinate Plane Worksheets and 4.1 #2-26
1/13 Systems of Inequalities
1/12 Systems Review #2
1/11 Systems Word Problems and QUIZ #2
1/10 Systems Review #1
1/7 Computer Review and QUIZ
1/6 Systems Worksheet (substitution or elimination)
1/5 Elimination Worksheet #2
1/4 Substitution Worksheet #1
1/3/2011 7.1 and graphing systems worksheet
12/21-1/2 Winter Break!
12/19-12/20 Tessellation Project
12/17 Semester FINAL EXAM!!
12/16 Final Review #7-#8
12/15 Final Review #5-#6 and QUIZ
12/14 Final Review #4 with Order of Operations Practice
12/13 Final Review #2-#3 and QUIZ
12/10 Final Review #1
12/9 UNIT 8 TEST!! (Notes due)
12/8 Unit 8 Test Review - Here are the answers to the Review!!
12/7 Graphing Inequalities and Compound Inequalities
12/6 Solving Inequalities #3 AND 6.8 #14-25, 36-47
12/3 6.4 #29-445 odds AND 6.5 #21-39 odds
12/2 Graphing/Writing Equations Review #5 AND Solving Inequalities Review Worksheet #2
12/1 Solving Inequalities Review Worksheet
11/30 6.3 #14-41
11/29 6.1 #23-27, 35-55 odds AND 6.2 #35-46, 74-77 All
11/24-11/26 Thanksgiving Break!
11/23 Unit 7 Test! (notes due)
11/22 Unit 7 Test Review (Sorry I was not able to get the answers on the website.)
11/19 Parallel/Perpendicular Worksheet and Book p.313 #2-36 evens, Quiz #2
11/18 Parallel/Perpendicular Practice (3rd period Quiz)
11/17 5.4 #15-44
11/16 Writing Equations #3
11/15 Writing Equations #2
11/12 Writing equations #1
11/11 Unit 6 TEST! (notes due)
11/10 Test Review Worksheet
11/9 4.8 #16-18, 25-33, 50-53, 68-76
11/8 4.7 #11-25, 26-34 (graphs) and Review worksheet on back
11/5 Slope Review #1 and QUIZ - Unit 6 #1 (and finish October Sky)
11/4 4.5 #13-36
11/3 4.3 #24-32 AND 4.4 #18-35, 45, 47
11/2 4.2 #17-47 odds (on worksheet with Practice 8-6)
11/1 Coordinate Plane Worksheets and 4.1 #2-26
U. S. History - 5th Period - 1st Term
10/28 Finish notes
10/26 Events Leading to the Civil War Notes
10/22 War with Mexico Notes
10/20 More Vocabulary
10/18 Begin Unit 3 - Westward Expansion Movies and Begin VOCABULARY (click here to get a copy).
10/12 Quiz - Unit 2 - All Work DUE!
10/8 Reformists
10/6 Work on Vocab, Andrew Jackson Activity
10/4 Really Finish Branches of Government, Bill of Rights
9/29 Pass off Preamble, Finish Branches of Government
9/27 Memorize the Preamble, Begin learning the Branches of Government
9/23 Great Compromise, Preamble
9/21 Unit 2 Vocabulary - Click here to get a copy.
9/17 Colonies/Revolution Quiz
9/15 Revolution - Day 2 (Battles Activity)
9/13 Revolution - Day 1 (work on Vocab)
9/9 Slavery Lesson - Slavery Worksheet (Homework- due Monday)
9/7 Finish Colonies Lesson - Turn in map next class.
9/2 Colonies Lesson - Work on Vocabulary and Colonies Map
8/31 Geography Quiz and Columbus Lecture
8/27 Finish Geography Assignment
8/25 "Every Human Has Rights" and begin Geography assignment
8/23 Disclosure Due
Click here to see the other U.S. History Site!
10/26 Events Leading to the Civil War Notes
10/22 War with Mexico Notes
10/20 More Vocabulary
10/18 Begin Unit 3 - Westward Expansion Movies and Begin VOCABULARY (click here to get a copy).
10/12 Quiz - Unit 2 - All Work DUE!
10/8 Reformists
10/6 Work on Vocab, Andrew Jackson Activity
10/4 Really Finish Branches of Government, Bill of Rights
9/29 Pass off Preamble, Finish Branches of Government
9/27 Memorize the Preamble, Begin learning the Branches of Government
9/23 Great Compromise, Preamble
9/21 Unit 2 Vocabulary - Click here to get a copy.
9/17 Colonies/Revolution Quiz
9/15 Revolution - Day 2 (Battles Activity)
9/13 Revolution - Day 1 (work on Vocab)
9/9 Slavery Lesson - Slavery Worksheet (Homework- due Monday)
9/7 Finish Colonies Lesson - Turn in map next class.
9/2 Colonies Lesson - Work on Vocabulary and Colonies Map
8/31 Geography Quiz and Columbus Lecture
8/27 Finish Geography Assignment
8/25 "Every Human Has Rights" and begin Geography assignment
8/23 Disclosure Due
Click here to see the other U.S. History Site!
Algebra 2 - 6th period - 1st Term
10/27 Last Day of Term AND Extra Credit Quiz!! (this quiz will allow you to earn up to 10 extra credit points toward your first term homework grade - we will take it in class)
10/25 Unit 3 TEST (no retakes on this one - study and be prepared)
10/21 Practice 10 Problems - Test Review and Study Guide
(Click this link to see the answers. There is a mistake and p.946 should be #22-29. Do the evens and not just the odds on the book pages to earn some extra credit points.)
10/19 Blue Worksheet - Solving Equations and Factor Review
10/13 Factoring Review #1 (worksheet) and Factoring Quiz
10/11 5.2 (2) 35-46, 50-55, 58, 59, 65-73
10/7 p.937 #1-15 odds AND 5.2(1) #23-34, 47-49, 65-66, 69, 74
10/5 Unit 2 TEST (Absolute Value)
9/30 Unit 2 Test Review Worksheet
9/28 2.8 #12-25, 34-39, 59-64 AND Unit 2 QUIZ
9/24 Absolute Value, Finish the green packet
9/22 Notation Packet p.1-4 All, p. 5 and p.7 Domain and Range only
9/20 2.1 #5-24, 28, 30-33, 37-48 (verify 5-10 and 37-42 with your graphing calculator)
9/16 1.7 #26-35, 39-40, 50-55
9/14 1.6 #1-12 all, 20-46 evens, 50, 67, 68
9/10 Unit 1 TEST - Systems of Equations
9/8 Test Review - p.186 #1-12, p.189 #26, p.190 #1-2, p.940 #27, 28
9/3 3.3 #12-14, 21-35, 39-41
9/1 Solving Systems Review #1
8/30 3.2 #17-28, 35-40, 54, 55
8/26 3.1 #14-25, 32-37, 41-46, 55, 56
8/24 Disclosure - Due 8/26 AND p.22 #23-34 & p.86 #16-30, 43-50
10/25 Unit 3 TEST (no retakes on this one - study and be prepared)
10/21 Practice 10 Problems - Test Review and Study Guide
(Click this link to see the answers. There is a mistake and p.946 should be #22-29. Do the evens and not just the odds on the book pages to earn some extra credit points.)
10/19 Blue Worksheet - Solving Equations and Factor Review
10/13 Factoring Review #1 (worksheet) and Factoring Quiz
10/11 5.2 (2) 35-46, 50-55, 58, 59, 65-73
10/7 p.937 #1-15 odds AND 5.2(1) #23-34, 47-49, 65-66, 69, 74
10/5 Unit 2 TEST (Absolute Value)
9/30 Unit 2 Test Review Worksheet
9/28 2.8 #12-25, 34-39, 59-64 AND Unit 2 QUIZ
9/24 Absolute Value, Finish the green packet
9/22 Notation Packet p.1-4 All, p. 5 and p.7 Domain and Range only
9/20 2.1 #5-24, 28, 30-33, 37-48 (verify 5-10 and 37-42 with your graphing calculator)
9/16 1.7 #26-35, 39-40, 50-55
9/14 1.6 #1-12 all, 20-46 evens, 50, 67, 68
9/10 Unit 1 TEST - Systems of Equations
9/8 Test Review - p.186 #1-12, p.189 #26, p.190 #1-2, p.940 #27, 28
9/3 3.3 #12-14, 21-35, 39-41
9/1 Solving Systems Review #1
8/30 3.2 #17-28, 35-40, 54, 55
8/26 3.1 #14-25, 32-37, 41-46, 55, 56
8/24 Disclosure - Due 8/26 AND p.22 #23-34 & p.86 #16-30, 43-50
Basic Math/Algebra B - 1st Term
10/28 Movie Day!
10/27 Finish Writing Assignment
10/26 Unit 5 Test - Begin writing assignment
10/25 Review for Unit 5 Test
10/22 Computer Day and Unit 5 QUIZ!
10/21 Cross Multiplying Word Problems Worksheet and 11.1 #2-23
10/20 Percentage Word Problems #1
10/19 King Cole Worksheet and 3.9 #3-33 odds, 37, 38
10/18 Ratio Worksheet AND 3.8 #5-28, 52-54
10/15 No School - Fall Break (UEA)
10/14 No School - Fall Break (UEA)
10/13 Unit 4 TEST (Solving Equations)
10/12 Test Review Worksheet
10/11 3.7 #3-16 AND p.785 #29-37
10/8 Review on computers - Quiz #3
10/7 3.5 #19-32, 38, 39, 44, 45
10/6 3.4 #21-36
10/5 Solving Equations Worksheet #1 AND Quiz #2
10/4 3.3 #7-18 all, 20-42 evens, 61-66 all
10/1 No School!
9/30 3.1 #26-50 evens, 69-74 all AND 3.2 #22-44 evens, 57-62 AND Quiz #1
9/29 3.1 #25-51 odds AND 3.2 #23-45 odds
9/28 Unit 3 Test
9/27 Test Review Worksheet and p.121-124 #1-57 odds
9/24 Computers - Review, then Quiz
9/23 2.7 #3-14, 21-38, 41-44
9/22 2.6 #17-52, 88-93
9/21 1.3 #27-35 - 2.3 #27-35, 47, 48 - 2.4 #30-36, 39 - 2.5 #17-26, 32-35 - 2.8 #19-30
9/20 Begin using book! 2.1 #14-48 evens AND 2.2 #17-40, 51-55
9/17 Begin Unit 3
9/16 Unit 2 Test
9/15 Unit 2 Review
9/14 Order of Operations #2 and Integer Review #2
9/13 Order of Operations #1 and Integer Review #2
9/10 Integer Reviews (computer) - Integer Quiz
9/9 Ordering Integers (A) and Nose Worksheet
9/8 Multiplying/Dividing Integers - Worksheet 2-8
9/7 Begin Unit 2 - Adding/Subtracting Integers - Bank Robber/Captain Kirk Worksheets
9/6 No School - Labor Day
9/3 Unit 1 TEST!
9/2 Pink Test Review Worksheet
9/1 White board review and Fraction/Decimal Review #3
8/31 Rock 'n Roll Worksheet (3 pages)
8/30 Zoo/Mouse Worksheet (4th period started Review #2)
8/27 Fraction/Decimal Review & Unit 1 Quiz
8/26 Computer fraction review & first page of rounding decimals worksheet
8/25 Multiply/Divide Fractions Worksheet (8-2 & 8-6)
8/24 Reduce/Add Fractions Worksheets
8/23 Disclosure - due 8/24
10/27 Finish Writing Assignment
10/26 Unit 5 Test - Begin writing assignment
10/25 Review for Unit 5 Test
10/22 Computer Day and Unit 5 QUIZ!
10/21 Cross Multiplying Word Problems Worksheet and 11.1 #2-23
10/20 Percentage Word Problems #1
10/19 King Cole Worksheet and 3.9 #3-33 odds, 37, 38
10/18 Ratio Worksheet AND 3.8 #5-28, 52-54
10/15 No School - Fall Break (UEA)
10/14 No School - Fall Break (UEA)
10/13 Unit 4 TEST (Solving Equations)
10/12 Test Review Worksheet
10/11 3.7 #3-16 AND p.785 #29-37
10/8 Review on computers - Quiz #3
10/7 3.5 #19-32, 38, 39, 44, 45
10/6 3.4 #21-36
10/5 Solving Equations Worksheet #1 AND Quiz #2
10/4 3.3 #7-18 all, 20-42 evens, 61-66 all
10/1 No School!
9/30 3.1 #26-50 evens, 69-74 all AND 3.2 #22-44 evens, 57-62 AND Quiz #1
9/29 3.1 #25-51 odds AND 3.2 #23-45 odds
9/28 Unit 3 Test
9/27 Test Review Worksheet and p.121-124 #1-57 odds
9/24 Computers - Review, then Quiz
9/23 2.7 #3-14, 21-38, 41-44
9/22 2.6 #17-52, 88-93
9/21 1.3 #27-35 - 2.3 #27-35, 47, 48 - 2.4 #30-36, 39 - 2.5 #17-26, 32-35 - 2.8 #19-30
9/20 Begin using book! 2.1 #14-48 evens AND 2.2 #17-40, 51-55
9/17 Begin Unit 3
9/16 Unit 2 Test
9/15 Unit 2 Review
9/14 Order of Operations #2 and Integer Review #2
9/13 Order of Operations #1 and Integer Review #2
9/10 Integer Reviews (computer) - Integer Quiz
9/9 Ordering Integers (A) and Nose Worksheet
9/8 Multiplying/Dividing Integers - Worksheet 2-8
9/7 Begin Unit 2 - Adding/Subtracting Integers - Bank Robber/Captain Kirk Worksheets
9/6 No School - Labor Day
9/3 Unit 1 TEST!
9/2 Pink Test Review Worksheet
9/1 White board review and Fraction/Decimal Review #3
8/31 Rock 'n Roll Worksheet (3 pages)
8/30 Zoo/Mouse Worksheet (4th period started Review #2)
8/27 Fraction/Decimal Review & Unit 1 Quiz
8/26 Computer fraction review & first page of rounding decimals worksheet
8/25 Multiply/Divide Fractions Worksheet (8-2 & 8-6)
8/24 Reduce/Add Fractions Worksheets
8/23 Disclosure - due 8/24
Baby Bing!
Hello Students,
It's Mrs. Binggeli here. I hope you are all behaving yourselves and working hard for Miss Cowles. YI thought I would let you know that I did finally have a little baby girl. Her name is Molly Ardith Binggeli. Her middle name was my Grandma's name. She was born on Friday, May 14th, weighed 9 lbs 3 oz., and was 21 inches long.
Here are some cute pictures for your viewing pleasure!
Algebra B - 4th Term
Friday 5/6
CRT Practice Tests - No Homework
Wednesday 5/5
CRT Practice Test - Systems and Multiplying Polynomials
p.147 #28-31, p.339 #23-26, 39, p. 405 #19-22
Monday 5/3
CRT Practice Test - Rationals
p.553 #1-12, p. 557 #1-16
Thursday 4/29
CRT Practice Test - Linear
p.260-262 #6-21, 27-30
Tuesday, 4/27
CRT Practice Test - Data
p.69 #44-49, 55-59 & p.74 #25-40
Friday, 4/23
TEST ON Factors/Foil
Wednesday 4/21
Test Review Worksheet - Check back later for answers!
Monday, 4/19
Scatter Plots Worksheet
Thursday, 4/15
Purple Worksheet
Tuesday 4/13
FOIL/Factor Quiz #1
Common Factors Worksheet AND 10.4 #5-11, 14-22
Friday 4/9
p.608 #10-21 AND p.613 #18-23, 27-30
Wednesday 4/7
10.5 #16-34 evens
Monday 4/5
10.3 #23-46 all
CRT Practice Tests - No Homework
Wednesday 5/5
CRT Practice Test - Systems and Multiplying Polynomials
p.147 #28-31, p.339 #23-26, 39, p. 405 #19-22
Monday 5/3
CRT Practice Test - Rationals
p.553 #1-12, p. 557 #1-16
Thursday 4/29
CRT Practice Test - Linear
p.260-262 #6-21, 27-30
Tuesday, 4/27
CRT Practice Test - Data
p.69 #44-49, 55-59 & p.74 #25-40
Friday, 4/23
TEST ON Factors/Foil
Wednesday 4/21
Test Review Worksheet - Check back later for answers!
Monday, 4/19
Scatter Plots Worksheet
Thursday, 4/15
Purple Worksheet
Tuesday 4/13
FOIL/Factor Quiz #1
Common Factors Worksheet AND 10.4 #5-11, 14-22
Friday 4/9
p.608 #10-21 AND p.613 #18-23, 27-30
Wednesday 4/7
10.5 #16-34 evens
Monday 4/5
10.3 #23-46 all
Algebra 1 - 4th Term
Friday 5/6
CRT Practice Tests - No Homework
Wednesday 5/5
CRT Practice Test - Systems and Multiplying Polynomials
p.147 #28-31, p.339 #23-26, 39, p. 405 #19-22
Monday 5/4
CRT Practice Test - Rationals
p.553 #1-12, p. 557 #1-16
Thursday 4/29
CRT Practice Test - Linear
p.260-262 #6-21, 27-30
Tuesday, 4/27
CRT Practice Test - Data
p.69 #44-49, 55-59 & p.74 #25-40
Friday, 4/53
Wednesday, 4/21
Test Review Worksheet - Check back later for answers.
Monday, 4/19
Scatter Plots Worksheet
Thursday, 4/15
Purple Worksheet
Tuesday 4/13
FOIL/Factor Quiz #1
Common Factors Worksheet AND 10.4 #5-11, 14-22
Friday 4/9
p.608 #10-21 AND p.613 #18-23, 27-30
Wednesday 4/7
10.5 #16-34 evens
Monday 4/5
10.3 #23-46 all
CRT Practice Tests - No Homework
Wednesday 5/5
CRT Practice Test - Systems and Multiplying Polynomials
p.147 #28-31, p.339 #23-26, 39, p. 405 #19-22
Monday 5/4
CRT Practice Test - Rationals
p.553 #1-12, p. 557 #1-16
Thursday 4/29
CRT Practice Test - Linear
p.260-262 #6-21, 27-30
Tuesday, 4/27
CRT Practice Test - Data
p.69 #44-49, 55-59 & p.74 #25-40
Friday, 4/53
Wednesday, 4/21
Test Review Worksheet - Check back later for answers.
Monday, 4/19
Scatter Plots Worksheet
Thursday, 4/15
Purple Worksheet
Tuesday 4/13
FOIL/Factor Quiz #1
Common Factors Worksheet AND 10.4 #5-11, 14-22
Friday 4/9
p.608 #10-21 AND p.613 #18-23, 27-30
Wednesday 4/7
10.5 #16-34 evens
Monday 4/5
10.3 #23-46 all
Algebra 2 - 4th Term
CRT Review Packet #2 - Answers and Extra Credit
--> To study for the CRT, do Packet #2 and click to check your answers here (scroll to the bottom of the pdf). We will not have much time to go over the packet in class, so try to figure out what you need to know from these answers.
--> To get 10 points extra credit, 1) attempt to answer each question in the packet and 2) write "I checked the blog" at the top of the packet before you turn it in.
2nd, 6th, 8th Periods -Monday 5/10
CRT's - Day 1
Take Home Test - DUE WEDNESDAY!!
Hints on take home test - #3 phase shift means the same thing as horizontal shift, #9 delete the word "downward" at the end of the question, AND #20 has a sign error
7th - Friday 5/6
Work on CRT Review Packet #2 - Due Tuesday (see extra credit above)
2nd, 6th, 8th Periods- Thursday 5/5
p.705 #23-26, 31-34
p.712 #18-21
p.884 #1-7
CRT Review Packet #ALL
7th Period- Wednesday 5/5
p.705 #23-26, 31-34
p.712 #18-21
p.884 #1-7
CRT Review #1-10
All Classes - Monday 5/3 & Tuesday 5/4
p.959 #11, 12, 25, 27, 28
p.449 #11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18
CRT - Review #1 (Packet)
All Classes - Thursday 4/29 & Friday 4/30
14.2 #32-48 evens (skip tangent problems), 50, 51, 52
p.943 #1-19 odds
All Classes - Tuesday 4/27 & Wednesday 4/28
14.1 #17-39 (skip tangent problems), 61-66, 79
ALL CLASSES - Friday 4/23 & Monday 4/26
p.781 #60-68, 82, 83
p.958 #17-22
p.945 #10-20
2nd, 6th, 8th, 4/22
7th - Wednesay 4/21
Trig Test #1
2nd, 6th, 8th - Tuesday 4/20
Test Review #2 - Click Here For Answers to the Review #2.
7th - Monday 4/19
2nd,6th,8th - Friday 4/16
Know how to use the partial unit circle from your reference sheet
7th - Thursday 4/15
13.4 #5-11 odds, 19-43 odds, 53, 65, 66, 70
2nd, 6th, 8th - Wednesday 4/14
13.4 #5-53 odds, 65, 66, 70
7th - Tuesday 4/13 AND
2nd, 6th, 8th - Monday 4/12
13.3 #7-21 odds, 27-67 odds, 81-86 & Trig Quiz #1
7th - Friday 4/9
Finish Unit Circle - Answer questions #1-10 about Unit Circle
2nd, 6th, 8th - Thursday 4/8
Green Worksheet AND Unit Circle (fill out the unit circle completely)
7th - Wednesday 4/7
13.1 #15-17, 28-32 AND Green Worksheet AND Begin Unit Circle (fill in degrees and radians around the circle)
2nd, 6th, 8th - Tuesday 4/6
13.1 #15-17, 28-32 AND 13.2 #25-59 odds, 80
7th - Monday 4/5
13.2 #25-67 odds, 80
CRT Review Packet #2 - Answers and Extra Credit
--> To study for the CRT, do Packet #2 and click to check your answers here (scroll to the bottom of the pdf). We will not have much time to go over the packet in class, so try to figure out what you need to know from these answers.
--> To get 10 points extra credit, 1) attempt to answer each question in the packet and 2) write "I checked the blog" at the top of the packet before you turn it in.
2nd, 6th, 8th Periods -Monday 5/10
CRT's - Day 1
Take Home Test - DUE WEDNESDAY!!
Hints on take home test - #3 phase shift means the same thing as horizontal shift, #9 delete the word "downward" at the end of the question, AND #20 has a sign error
7th - Friday 5/6
Work on CRT Review Packet #2 - Due Tuesday (see extra credit above)
2nd, 6th, 8th Periods- Thursday 5/5
p.705 #23-26, 31-34
p.712 #18-21
p.884 #1-7
CRT Review Packet #ALL
7th Period- Wednesday 5/5
p.705 #23-26, 31-34
p.712 #18-21
p.884 #1-7
CRT Review #1-10
All Classes - Monday 5/3 & Tuesday 5/4
p.959 #11, 12, 25, 27, 28
p.449 #11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18
CRT - Review #1 (Packet)
All Classes - Thursday 4/29 & Friday 4/30
14.2 #32-48 evens (skip tangent problems), 50, 51, 52
p.943 #1-19 odds
All Classes - Tuesday 4/27 & Wednesday 4/28
14.1 #17-39 (skip tangent problems), 61-66, 79
ALL CLASSES - Friday 4/23 & Monday 4/26
p.781 #60-68, 82, 83
p.958 #17-22
p.945 #10-20
2nd, 6th, 8th, 4/22
7th - Wednesay 4/21
Trig Test #1
2nd, 6th, 8th - Tuesday 4/20
Test Review #2 - Click Here For Answers to the Review #2.
7th - Monday 4/19
2nd,6th,8th - Friday 4/16
Know how to use the partial unit circle from your reference sheet
7th - Thursday 4/15
13.4 #5-11 odds, 19-43 odds, 53, 65, 66, 70
2nd, 6th, 8th - Wednesday 4/14
13.4 #5-53 odds, 65, 66, 70
7th - Tuesday 4/13 AND
2nd, 6th, 8th - Monday 4/12
13.3 #7-21 odds, 27-67 odds, 81-86 & Trig Quiz #1
7th - Friday 4/9
Finish Unit Circle - Answer questions #1-10 about Unit Circle
2nd, 6th, 8th - Thursday 4/8
Green Worksheet AND Unit Circle (fill out the unit circle completely)
7th - Wednesday 4/7
13.1 #15-17, 28-32 AND Green Worksheet AND Begin Unit Circle (fill in degrees and radians around the circle)
2nd, 6th, 8th - Tuesday 4/6
13.1 #15-17, 28-32 AND 13.2 #25-59 odds, 80
7th - Monday 4/5
13.2 #25-67 odds, 80
3rd Term Extra Credit
ALL Class Periods
Find an article in a reputable newspaper or magazine that has something to do with math, statistics, numbers, etc. Do the following assignment and earn up to 15 points extra credit for your 3rd term assignment score.
1) Find an article.
2) Write 2-3 paragraphs explaining A) what the article is about and B) why it is significant to math.
3) Mrs. Binggeli's students: E-mail both the article (or a link to it) and your 2-3 paragraphs to Mrs. Binggeli by midnight, Friday, March 19th.
4) Mrs. Willis' students: E-mail both the article (or a link to it) and your 2-3 paragraphs to Mrs. Willis by 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, March 23rd.
Where can you find an article?
. . . or another reputable and well-known publication.
E-mail to Mrs. Binggeli -
DEADLINE - Midnight, Friday, March 19th.
E-mail to Mrs. Willis -
DEADLINE - 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, March 23rd.
Find an article in a reputable newspaper or magazine that has something to do with math, statistics, numbers, etc. Do the following assignment and earn up to 15 points extra credit for your 3rd term assignment score.
1) Find an article.
2) Write 2-3 paragraphs explaining A) what the article is about and B) why it is significant to math.
3) Mrs. Binggeli's students: E-mail both the article (or a link to it) and your 2-3 paragraphs to Mrs. Binggeli by midnight, Friday, March 19th.
4) Mrs. Willis' students: E-mail both the article (or a link to it) and your 2-3 paragraphs to Mrs. Willis by 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, March 23rd.
Where can you find an article?
. . . or another reputable and well-known publication.
E-mail to Mrs. Binggeli -
DEADLINE - Midnight, Friday, March 19th.
E-mail to Mrs. Willis -
DEADLINE - 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, March 23rd.
Algebra B - 3rd Term
Wednesday 3/24
End of Term Writing Assignment in MyAccess.
Monday 3/22
Begin Unit 8 - Factor & Foil
8.2 #21-47 odds
Thursday 3/18
Unit 7 Test
Notes due, BR due, All absent/late work due
Tuesday 3/16
Blue Worksheet - Test Review
Friday 3/12
8.4 #19-45 odds, 49-57 all
you may do #20-44 evens for extra credit
Ch. 8 Quiz
Wednesday 3/10
8.2 #21-47 odds, 51-62 all
(you may do #22-48 evens for extra credit)
Monday 3/8
8.1 #14-44 evens, 52-60 all
(you may do #13-45 odds for extra credit)
Thursday 3/4
Exponents and Combining Like Terms Worksheet
Tuesday 3/2
Chapter 7 TEST - no homework
Thursday 2/25
Chapter 7 Review - TEST TUESDAY! -
**To prove that you actually looked at the answers, write "I Found It" on the top of your paper before you turn it in and earn up to 10 extra credit points.
Tuesday 2/23
Systems word problems worksheet
Friday 2/19
p.789 #13-28 (skip 16, 18, 26)
Ch. 7 Quiz #2
Wednesday 2/17
7.3 #7-22
Friday 2/12
p.789 #5-12
Ch. 7 Quiz #1
Wednesday 2/10
7.2 #16-21
Monday 2/8
Review Graphing Systems - Worksheet
Thursday 2/4
UBSCT Post Test - turn in all UBSCT review packets
Tuesday 2/2
UBSCT Review #4 Packet - Mean, Median, Mode, Range
Friday 1/29
UBSCT Review #3 Packet
Wednesday 1/27
UBSCT Review #2 Packet
Monday 1/25
Go over UBSCT Review #1 AND UBSCT Quiz #2
Thursday, 1/21
UBSCT Review #1 - Ratios and Proportions
Tuesday 1/19
LCM/GCF Worksheets and UBSCT Quiz #1
Algebra 1 - 3rd Term
Wednesday 3/24
End of Term Writing Assignment in MyAccess.
Monday 3/22
Begin Unit 9 (Chapter 10) - Factor & Foil
10.2 #21-37 odds
Thursday 3/18
Unit 7 Test
Notes due, BR due, All absent/late work due
Tuesday 3/16
Blue Worksheet - Test Review
Friday 3/12
8.4 #19-45 odds, 49-57 all
(you may do #20-44 evens for extra credit)
Ch. 8 Quiz
Wednesday 3/10
8.2 #21-47 odds, 51-62 all
(you may do #22-48 evens for extra credit)
Monday 3/8
8.1 #14-44 evens, 52-60 all
(you may do #13-45 odds for extra credit)
Thursday 3/4
Exponents and Combining Like Terms Worksheet
Tuesday 3/2
Chapter 7 TEST - no homework
Thursday 2/25
Chapter 7 Review - TEST TUESDAY! -
**To prove that you actually looked at the answers, write "I Found It" on the top of your paper before you turn it in and earn up to 10 extra credit points.
Tuesday 2/23
p.430 #3-5
7.6 #9-26
Friday 2/19
7.5 #16-31, 40-45
Wednesday 2/17
Problem Solving and 7.2/7.3 Review Worksheet
Friday 2/12
Review p.789 #5-20
Ch. 7 Quiz #1
Wednesday 2/10
7.3 # #7-22 (use comb/elim) 25, 26, 29 (use subst)
Monday 2/8
7.2 #16-27
Thursday 2/4
Graphing Systems Worksheet
Tuesday 2/2
UBSCT Review Day (no assignment to make up) - Begin new unit next time.
Friday 1/29
Unit 6 TEST
Wednesday 1/27
Test Review - Unit 6
Monday, 1/25
Graphs #1-10 (copied from board) AND p. 371 #36-43
Thursday, 1/21
6.6 #10-40 evens AND 6.7 #8-40 evens
Tuesday, 1/19
6.5 #18-28, 33-40, 64-72
Algebra 2 - 3rd TERM
Wednesday 3/24 & Thursday 3/25
End of Term Writing Assignment in MyAccess.
Monday 3/22 & Tuesday 3/23
All classes - Green Notes worksheet on special right triangles & White practice worksheet
Thursday 3/18 & Friday 3/19
Begin Trigonometry Unit
6th, 7th, 8th - 13.1 & Worksheet (see Mrs. Willis)
2nd - 13.1 #15, 16, 22-36 & Trig Worksheet
Tuesday 3/16 & Wednesday 3/17
Log Test
BR due, Notes due
Friday 3/12 & Monday 3/15
All Classes - Test Review
--> (1) Click here for the ANSWERS to the test review. Scroll to the bottom of the document for the answers.
--> (2) Click here for written out solutions to some of the review problems.
--> (3) Click here to study the REFERENCE SHEET. You can use it on the test. You don't have to memorize the log rules, but you MUST know how to use them.
Wednesday 3/10 & Thursday 3/11
6th, 7th, 8th - Finish 8.6 & Review (Mrs. Willis)
2nd - Review Day 1 - p.457 #22-25, p.524 #1-19 odds, 25-35 all
Monday 3/8 & Tuesday 3/9
6th, 7th, 8th - 8.6 (Mrs. Willis)
2nd - 8.6 #19-41 odds, 43-58 every 3rd, Quiz problems p.508 #4-13
Thursday 3/4 & Friday 3/5
6th, 7th, 8th - 8.5 (Mrs. Willis)
2nd - 8.5 #14-72 evens, 100, 101
Wednesday 3/3
2nd - 8.4 #16-76 evens (skip 48-54)
6th, 8th - 8.4 (Mrs. Willis)
Tuesday 3/2
7th - 8.4 (Mrs. Willis)
Monday 3/1
2nd - 8.2 #11-18, 20-42 evens, 43-46, 50-52 AND 8.3 #18-60 evens, 67, 68, 76, 77
6th, 8th - (Mrs. Willis)
Thursday 2/25
7th - 8.2 & 8.3 (Mrs. Willis)
Wednesday 2/24
2nd - 8.1 #14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43-45, 59-64
6th, 8th - 8.1
Tuesday 2/23
7th - 7.4 #36-58 even
Monday 2/22
2nd - 7.4 #16-46 evens, 58
6th, 8th - 7.4 #16-34 evens
Friday 2/19
7th - 7.4 #16-34 even
TEST COMING UP! - Wed. 2/17 & Thurs. 2/18
Friday 2/12 & Tuesday 2/16
Chapter 9 Review (worksheet)
--> Click here for answers to the review. Once you open it, scroll down to the last 2 pages to find the answers. Remember, it doesn't do you any good to just copy the solutions. Use them to help you study!
Wednesday 2/10 & Thursday 2/11
Chapter 9 Quiz
9.6 #16-32 evens, 34, 35, 40, 43, 44, 50
Monday 2/8 & Tuesday 2/9
Worksheet - Review of 9.4 and 9.5
Here are the solutions to the worksheet: Page 1 - Page 2
Thursday 2/4 & Friday 2/5
9.5 (part 2) - Word problems Worksheet (with problems from the book)
Tuesday 2/2 & Wednesday 2/3
9.5 (part 1) #12-37, 66, 67
Friday 1/29 & Monday 2/1
9.4 #17-43 odds, 44-51 (skip #27)
Wednesday 1/27 & Thursday 1/28
Unit 7 TEST
Monday 1/25 & Tuesday 1/26
Unit 7 Test Review
--> --> --> (Click here for the answers to the review! - #7 is wrong - Sorry! )
2, 4, 6, 8th - Friday 1/20
7.3 #20-31, 34-39, 44-53
7th - Thursday 1/21
7.3 #13-51 odds, 52, 53
2, 4, 6, 8th - Wednesday 1/20
7.3 (part 1) #12-19, 32, 33, 40-43 AND p.456 #1, 2, 9, 10, 15, 23, 27, 30, 31
7th - Tuesday 1/19
p.456 #1, 2, 9, 10, 15, 23, 27, 30, 31 AND blue review worksheet if you needed it
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